Query semantic data from relational database: an on-demand mapping approach

Query semantic data from relational database: an on-demand mapping approach

Haifei Zhang

Schoolof Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Nantong Textile Vocational Technology College, CN-226007Nantong, China

One of the tasks for semantic web is to integrate large amounts of current information in relational database, which behind Web into machine-understandable RDF data model to form a "web of data". So relational database semantic query namely RDF access to relational database is an important issue in semantic web research. To realize the query is to build mapping relation between relational database schema and ontology. However, there is natural isomerism between them. The traditional method to eliminate the isomerism is to convert relational database schema into a similar ontology form and then to build all concepts and attributes mappings between conversion ontology and input ontology. This paper realized an on-demanding mapping method when users request query, avoided building all concepts and attributes mappings between conversion ontology and input ontology and improved mapping efficiency.