Financial management based decision making in the big data era

Financial management based decision making  in the big data era

Ting Hao1, 2, Xi Zhao1

1Tianjin University, Tianjin, 300072, China

2Inner Mongolia University of Science & Technology, Inner Mongolia, 014010, China

Financial management are derived for the profitability analyses of demand-side management (DSM) alternatives. The present value of cost and equivalent uniform annual cost models are selected to determine the least-cost solution, while the net present value, pay back year and benefit/cost ratio models are proposed for the execution of cost–benefit analyses. In a market economy, Market orientation is the only correct choice for economic development strategy, so it is also significant for financial management innovation. While most studies in the past decade focused on the consequences of fund in financial management, few have investigated antecedents to market orientation concept. This paper derives two fuzzy financial profitability models, namely, a least cost solution model and a cost-benefit analysis model, to evaluate the fuzzy financial profitability of load management alternatives. A straightforward vertex parameters’ fuzzy mathematics operation using the function principle is de-rived as an alternative to the traditional extension principle and is applied to evaluate a number of different financial decision indexes. The developed models represent readily implemented possibility analysis tools for use in the arena of uncertain financial decision-making.