Theoretical model of materiel quality characteristics metrics

Theoretical model of materiel quality characteristics metrics

Gang Zhao, Guangyan Zhao, Yufeng Sun


School of Reliability and System Engineering, Beihang University, No.37 Xueyuan Road, Haidian district, Beijing, P.R. China

Facing the continuous enrichment of intension of quality characteristic, a theoretical model of quality characteristics metrics regarding complicated materiel was established in this paper so as to perform systematic metrics of the quality characteristic of complicated materiel. On the basis of definition of metrics, metrics was described, so as to clarify the intension of metrics; conceptual model of materiel quality characteristic metrics including three hierarchies of comprehensive characteristic, single characteristic and metrics element was established; on the basis of conceptual model of metrics, overall and complete quality characteristic metrics system was established from three dimensions including system dimension, characteristics dimension and process dimension; 4 steps of materiel quality characteristic metrics were further specified, so as to clarify the entire process of its metrics. Finally, typical quality characteristic metrics parameter system of the materiel was given by taking aircraft as an example. The model structure is clear and simple, and overall understanding and sorting of all contents of materiel quality characteristic were performed so as to provide energetic support for realization of metrics of quality characteristic of complicated materiel.