Research on characteristic parameters mining and clustering of unknown protocols bitstreams

Research on characteristic parameters mining and clustering of unknown protocols bitstreams

Yang Wu, Tao Wang, Jin-dong Li


Dept. of Information Engineering, Shijiazhuang Mechanical Engineering College, Shijiazhuang, 050003, P.R. China

Characteristic parameters mining of unknown protocol bitstreams and parameters optimizing of clustering algorithm are the foundations of unknown protocol bitstreams analyzing. The parameters such as the bit frequency, runs and bit frequency within a block are defined according to the frequency of zero and one, frequency of sequential zero and one, bit frequency within a block. As the parameter of bit frequency within a block is sensitive to the block length, an optimal block length selection algorithm is proposed based on the principle of variance. In order to select effective initial clustering centers for division clustering algorithms such as the k-means algorithm, an initial clustering centers selection algorithm is proposed based on the peak value of sample density for each dimension. In order to select the optimal clustering number, a function of clustering quality evaluation is given by the sample density in cluster and cluster density. Taking the bitstreams of HTTP, DNS, ICMP, TELNET and UDP datasets as the unknown protocols bitstreams, the experimental results not only verified the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms but also point out the necessity of mining more effective parameters.