Solving problems of geriatric care in the Republic of Kazakhstan based on new ICT trends

Solving problems of geriatric care in the Republic of Kazakhstan based on new ICT trends

R Muhamedyev1, E Muhamedyeva1, A Mansharipova2, V Chaykovska3


1 IITU, Kazakhstan
2 KRMU, Kazakhstan
KNMU, Kazakhstan, Institute of Gerontology of NAMS of the Ukraine, Ukraine

In recent years, the measures to improve geriatric care of the population are taken in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Relevance of this issue is determined by a population aging on the one hand, and by RK humanization policy on the other hand. Consideration of these issues is impossible without corresponding data support, which is necessary for organizational tasks and for the entire cycle of medical data processing, starting from data collection, through a comprehensive analysis and issue of recommendation. Using modern software, communication and intelligent technologies promises not only improving of geriatric care quality but reducing the cost and obtain social-economic benefits. The article introduces the problem of geriatric care in Kazakhstan and offers an approach to the solution based on the new trends in the field of ICT.