Combining web engineering methods to cover lifecycle

K Wakil1, 2, 3, D N A Jawawi1
1Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Computing, UTM, Malaysia
2Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Iraq
3University of Human Development, Iraq
Web applications have rapidly evolved in the last decade, whilst web engineering methods have been lacking in the process development Web applications. One of the issues in web engineering methods is that no single web engineering method provides adequate coverage for the whole life cycle, because the web engineering methods are divided into three phases, which are; requirements, analysis/design, and implementation. Therefore, each method designed to special concern. It is obvious that we need to design a new method to cover the whole lifecycle to solve this issue. In this paper, we propose a framework for the new web engineering method through a combination of three methods comprising: Navigational Development Techniques (NDT) method for requirements phase; UML-Based Web Engineering (UWE) for analysis/design phase; and Interaction Flow Modeling Language (IFML) for the implementation phase. NDT and UWE are the most representative methods to develop web applications; while IFML is the newest method that focused on design and implementation. Our framework for the new method can support a whole lifecycle. Moreover, this method is more usable from developers.